Friday, August 13, 2010

Affiliate Marketing

Google Logo bg:Картинка:Google.pngImage via Wikipedia
Since I started this site and entered through the portal in online blogging, I've realized that there are tons of people out there earning a nice little check just through affiliate marketing on their respective blogs and websites.

Of course, I was extremely skeptical at first, and still and to some degree. Yet, a lot of this stuff is actually pretty genuine. You just have to work to drive traffic to your blog in order to make money.

I started this blog a couple of weeks ago and now including this post I have 12 unique postings to go along with a little additional content on some other pages within the blog.

I've tried to update with something each day, hoping that would be enough to drive traffic to my site and thereby make some money though the Google Adsense application. 

Google AdSense For Dummies

I couldn't have been more wrong. Simply updating content and pasting html Adsense code into your blog is nowhere near enough.

I've been trying social bookmarking so that my blog will show up on sites like and and have also built a couple of hub pages that help drive traffic to your site. 

Aside from that, I've been trying to get my blog into as many social media news feeds as possible. I still haven't made a whole lot of money through the Adsense application, but my page impressions and clicks on the ads are slowly increasing.

Hopefully, at some point, all this will translate into some kind of tangible monetary gain, but I'm only cautiously optimistic at this point. 

I will continue to post occasionally on my success or lack there of from using Google Adsense and let you know if it really is as easy to make money online as people say.

For those of you wondering how to get started with Adsense, I've included a good video that should help you get things started with your blog as well as some helpful links. Good luck!

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