Thursday, August 5, 2010

Election Time in Memphis

Steve Cohen, member of the United States House...Image via Wikipedia
It's election time in the Bluff City, so you know what that means--controversy.

Memphis politics could never really be described as pretty, but this year democratic primary for the 9th Congressional District has been particularly bad.

Willie Herenton, the same man who used the slogan "Shake them haters off" in his last mayoral campaign, has used a new campaign for this year's campaign: "Just One."

That, of course, refers to the absence of a black representative in Tennessee's Congressional Delegation. Leave it to Mr. Herenton to inject race into a situation where race should be a non-factor.

I'm not a huge proponent of Steve Cohen by any means. He doesn't look the part, and he isn't great in public speaking situations. But, the man flat out cares about the people of the city of Memphis. 

Willie Herenton cares about himself and himself only. The man ran for a fifth term as mayor, and then just quit a year into the job to run for Congress. Do you really want someone who quit as mayor and quit as superintendent?

Do you want someone who repeatedly subverts the issues while choosing to focus on race instead?

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