Friday, September 10, 2010

"Facebook Doubles Down on Social Actions"

Image representing Facebook as depicted in Cru...Image via CrunchBase
Author of Original article- Brian Morrissey (linked to his twitter account)
  • Found in the digital news section of

The industry of social media has become one of the biggest sources of advertising revenue in the world. With a database of users that grows larger everyday,  Facebook is at the forefront of the Social Media world.

That's why the developers at Facebook have come up with a way to make the ads on its site even more effective, thereby making affiliate markers even more money. Ad managers can now track a particular ad's effectiveness through rates, total clicks and impressions.

This article is very interesting to me because I use social media at my job. We all have to have Facebook and Twitter pages for the respective sports that we cover, so I manage a Facebook page and Twitter account for Memphis golf. 

The fact that people are making money through advertising on Facebook and other programs such as Google AdSense is a really interesting concept.

For example, I registered this blog with Google AdSense and placed a few ads on it based on the HTML code given to me by Google. This blog has been up for about three weeks now, and I have about 20 posts.

I'm certainly not a dedicated poster, yet I have made almost $15 through people clicking on the ads on my site. The fact that I can make money simply by posting my thoughts to a free blog website is a concept with limitless possibilities, and Facebook is on the forefront of making it even easier to do.

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