Sunday, August 8, 2010

Ultimate Frisbee

If you're a Lambda Chi at Memphis, Sunday night means ultimate frisbee. While none of us may be as good as this guy, it's a great way to have some fun and let some steam off before starting a new week.

I had never played ultimate before I started hanging around Lambda Chi prior to the summer of  my freshman year in college, and I honestly found the game to be quite dumb the first few times I played. 

That, of course, was mostly due to the fact that I could barely throw the frisbee.

However, over the past three years, I've taken quite a liking to the game. It's fun, a great workout, and a good way to interact with brothers.

Ultimate doesn't have much of a following in this part of the country, but it's slowly growing in popularity. 

It is played with a 175 gram disc and usually follows a seven vs. seven format with each team trying to score by reaching an endzone. Players  can move only one foot while they hold the frisbee and cannot run after catching the disc.  

It was first conceived in 1968 by Joel Silver, then a student at Columbia University, as an adaptation of Frisbee football. Since then, Ultimate has slowly grown, but has been often labeled as a counterculture activity and left out of mainstream sports coverage.

Many colleges across the nation have club teams, just as they do for rugby. Ultimate, however, is not an official NCAA sport. 

For more information about ultimate visit: What is Ultimate Frisbee?

Also, we play every Sunday night around 7 pm at the track next to the Elma Roane Field House on campus at the University of Memphis.

Here are some pretty cool Ultimate highlights:

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1 comment:

Seth G said...

Good post man, very detailed.